Sharing Mindfulness

Sharing Mindfulness is a unique 10 hour training that’s perfect for people who want to lead mindfulness practices in community, caring, workplace and therapeutic settings – or with their friends and family.

If you value mindfulness, learn to share it with others.

On the Sharing Mindfulness Training you’ll learn to lead simple mindfulness meditation practices with competence and confidence, and to apply mindfulness in your work.

Next Course: in Person in Cardiff

Four Wednesday Evenings,  7:00-9:30

September 25 – October 16

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What to Expect

Sharing Mindfulness is a practical 10-hour training course aimed at anyone who wants to share mindfulness practices with others –  with clients or colleagues, family members or a community group

Practical Training

Clear guidance in leading simple mindfulness practices, lots of encouragement and a chance to practice in a supportive environment. This is a hands-on training. 

Flexible Content and Delivery

We’ll work with you to find a format and content that’s right for your workplace, team or community group.

We offer the training in three formats: either four or five weekly sessions, or two daylong sessions

Understanding Mindfulness

We’ll give you a clear map of how mindfulness practices and how to apply it and adapt it. 

Who’s it for?

Caring Professionals

Professionals wanting to use mindfulness in their work with clients, for example as counsellors, social workers or healthcare workers

Workplace Mindfulness Champions

wanting to introduce mindfulness practices to their colleagues and foster a more mindful workplace

Community Champions

for example, people working with mental health or rehab groups, or with young people

What we cover

Session One: Introducing the Course
Introduction and how to approach mindfulness and meditation
Session Two: What Calms the Mind

The core of this session is leading ‘finger breathing’ practice in pairs. This is an accessible, trauma-sensitive practice, suitable for everyone and a good place to start leading. There’s also a map of what we are doing when we lead a practice and guidance on how to lead. 

Session Three: The Language of Meditation

We hear back about leading practices between sessions. Then participants lead a breath anchor meditation with a partner. Introduction to the Three Systems of Emotional Regulation – a model for how mindfulness helps people in different states of mind.

Session Four: Mindfulness in Action

Participants practice leading mindful movement in pairs and explore how they can bring mindfulness into their work, applying what they are learning on the course. 


Session Five: Looking Ahead

A final opportunity to lead a practice with a partner; looking back over what we’ve covered and looking ahead to applying it.

I love helping people bring mindfulness into their work or community

Vishvapani Blomfield developed Sharing Mindfulness and has taught it more than thirty times to general groups, as well as teaching courses for social workers, prison staff, probation officers and a mental health support group. Other teachers have worked with single parents, healthcare professionals and Further Education teachers

""I didn’t think that I’d feel this confident and empowered at the end of the course. The response from staff members has been overwhelming."

Annette, NHS Consultant

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Renesmee Thomas

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